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spam /vt.,vi.,n./ [from "Monty Python's Flying Circus"]
1. To crash a program by overrunning a fixed-size buffer with
excessively large input data. See also buffer overflow,
overrun screw, smash the stack. 2. To cause a newsgroup
to be flooded with irrelevant or inappropriate messages. You can
spam a newsgroup with as little as one well- (or ill-) planned
message (e.g. asking "What do you think of abortion?" on
soc.women). This is often done with cross-posting
(e.g. any message which is crossposted to alt.rush-limbaugh
and alt.politics.homosexuality will almost inevitably spam
both groups). 3. To send many identical or nearly-identical
messages separately to a large number of Usenet newsgroups. This
is one sure way to infuriate nearly everyone on the Net.
The second and third definitions have become much more prevalent as
the Internet has opened up to non-techies, and to many Usenetters
sense 3 is now (1995) primary. In this sense the term has
apparantly begun to go mainstream, though without its original
sense or folkloric freight -- there is apparently a widespread
belief among lusers that "spamming" is what happens when you
dump cans of Spam into a revolving fan.
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