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Datamation /day`t*-may'sh*n/ /n./ A magazine that many
hackers assume all suits read. Used to question an unbelieved
quote, as in "Did you read that in `Datamation?'" (But see
below; this slur may be dated by the time you read this.) It used
to publish something hackishly funny every once in a while, like
the original paper on COME FROM in 1973, and Ed Post's
"Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal" ten years later, but for
a long time after that it was much more exclusively
suit-oriented and boring. Following a change of editorship in
1994, Datamation is trying for more of the technical content and
irreverent humor that marked its early days.
Datamation now has a WWW page at http://www.datamation.com
worth visiting for its selection of computer humor, including
"Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal" and the `Bastard Operator
From Hell' stories by Simon Travaglia (see BOFH).
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